Monday, February 15, 2010


This is a comic strip version of the song PEDRO NAVAJA..The song in which the film story PETER JACKKNIFE is based on...Artwork created by COSMOSCRIST.

Scene 2.

Como a tres cuadras de aquella esquina una mujer
va recorriendo la acera entera por quinta vez,
y en un zaguán entra y se da un trago para olvidar
que el día esta flojo y no hay clientes pa' trabajar.

A woman was three blocks away from that corner
going along the entire sidewalk for the fifth time,
and she comes in a hallway and take a drink to forget
cause is a quite day and there are no clients to work.

Un carro pasa muy despacito por la avenida
no tiene marcas pero todos saben que es policía uhm.
Pedro Navaja las manos siempre dentro el gabán,
mira y sonríe y el diente de oro vuelve a brillar.

A car passes very slowly in the avenue
has no marks but everyone knows that is police car.
Pedro Navaja with his hands always within the overcoat,
looks and smiles and the gold teeth shines again.
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Scene 2.
Como a tres cuadras de aquella esquina una mujer
va recorriendo la acera entera por quinta vez,
y en un zaguán entra y se da un trago para olvidar
que el día esta flojo y no hay clientes pa' trabajar.

A woman was three blocks away from that corner
going along the entire sidewalk for the fifth time,
and she comes in a hallway and take a drink to forget
cause is a quite day and there are no clients to work.

Un carro pasa muy despacito por la avenida
no tiene marcas pero todos saben que es policía uhm.
Pedro Navaja las manos siempre dentro el gabán,
mira y sonríe y el diente de oro vuelve a brillar.

A car passes very slowly in the avenue
has no marks but everyone knows that is police car.
Pedro Navaja with his hands always within the overcoat,
looks and smiles and the gold teeth shines again.

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